Northern Mexican Garter Snake

Thamnophis eques megalops

Venom Status:

Non Venomous



This is another of the garter snakes that has a large black blotch on each side of the neck. However each blotch is usually at least partially divided by a yellowish crescent. This species has 3 yellowish stripes of which the vertebral is the brightest. It is fully grown at a length of 3’. Anteriorly the lateral stripes are on scale rows 3 and 4. Look for this species near permanent water sources. Scales keeled and in 19-21 rows. Ovoviviparous. Neonates similar to adults.


Unique Features:

Neck blotch is partially divided by a yellow crescent. The lateral stripes are on scale rows 3 and 4.


Habitat and Diet:

Pond and marsh edges, including fish farms. Prey includes worms, fish, and amphibians


Geographic Range: