Marsh Brown Snake

Storeria dekayi limnetes

Venom Status:

Non Venomous



Adult at 10 to 16 inches in length. This is a small, totally innocuous snake that may be found on elevated levees and other raised surfaces in salt marshes. Brown to gray above with 2 rows of black spots, and white below. The Dorsal area between the black spots is often a bit lighter in color than the sides. The light collar is often lacking but there is a horizontal black stripe behind each eye. This snake may flatten the body and head and form an S or a loose coil when frightened. Scales keeled and in 17 rows. Use range when attempting subspecies differentiation. Ovoviviparous. Neonates are very dark with white collar


Unique Features:

Brown to gray above with 2 rows of black spots, and white below. The 5 subspecies of southeastern brown snakes are very difficult to differentiate. Use range maps


Habitat and Diet:

This is a small, totally innocuous snake that may be found on elevated levees, berms, and other such habitat in salt marshes. The diet of this species consists primarily of earthworms but slugs are also often eaten


Geographic Range: