Lined Snake
Tropidoclonion lineatum
Venom Status:
Non Venomous
This is a small (10-14”), keel-scaled, garter snake look alike. Ground color, olive–brown to brown. Stripes white to pale yellow with dorsal stripes most prominently defined. Belly light with a row of black crescents in the center of the belly scales. Secretive; by day usually found beneath rocks or surface debris. Active by night, especially during the spring breeding season. Ovoviviparous. Neonates are similar in appearance to the adults
Unique Features:
Belly light with row of black crescents in the center of the belly scales
Habitat and Diet:
Grasslands, parks, yards, pastures and other such habitats are preferred. Primarily feeds on earthworms.
Geographic Range:
IL, MN, CO, ID, KS, MO, NE, IA, NM, OK, sd