Gulf Hammock Rat Snake

Pantherophis obsoleta williamsi

Venom Status:

Non Venomous



This large, variably colored, semi-arboreal, constrictor, is harmless, but often defensive. This snake has gray ground color at the more northerly portion of its small range, but pale orangish ground color in the southerly part. It has both striping and blotching. Scales are smooth on the sides and weakly keeled on the back. They are excellent climbers and may ascend high in trees. Oviparous. Hatchlings are variable gray with black saddles


Unique Features:

Both saddles and striping are retained as this rat snake matures. Rat snakes, as a group, will hiss if frightened and will often vibrate the tail. This latter, if in dried grass or leaves, will make a whirring sound that is rather similar to the noise of a rattlesnake.


Habitat and Diet:

Open woodlands and scrub growth. They are often active at dusk and nightfall. Rodents, birds, and lizards are the preferred prey items of this powerful constrictor


Geographic Range: