Florida Pine Snake
Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus
Venom Status:
Non Venomous
An uncommon, large (4 ½ to 6½ foot long), defensive snake with a loud hiss, a vibrating tail that results in a whirr if in dry grasses or leaves, large heavily keeled scales, and a feisty disposition. If disturbed while above ground it will often elevate its head well above body level and strike savagely from a modified coil. Despite its size, this is a secretive snake that spends much time hunting for rodents in their burrows. On some of these white snakes, the brown markings are pale and hazy. On others the markings are crisp and well defined. The rostral (nose tip) scale is enlarged.
Unique Features:
The light body colors and enlarged rostral scale, considered in conjunction with a range map, will identify this snake.
Habitat and Diet:
Pine woods, sandy fields and sandy scrub, are home to this powerful constrictor. Babies eat lizards and small mammals; adults eat birds and small mammals, principally pocket gophers
Geographic Range:
FL, GA, SC, Al,