Eastern Fox Snake

Pantherophis vulpina

Venom Status:

Non Venomous



This large, dark-blotched, yellowish constrictor attains a length of 4 to 5 ½ feet. Dorsal blotches average 34. Occasionally found in trees or shrubs it is more apt to be seen in the afternoon as it searches for prey amidst rocks and along watercourses. It is harmless but often defensive. Scales are usually weakly keeled but may be smooth, at least on the sides.


Unique Features:

Yellowish ground color, ~41 brown dorsal blotches. Pungent odor when distuirbed


Habitat and Diet:

From prairies to marshland too dunes. Often opn dikes and levees. Primarily feeds on Rodents, nesting birds; young snakes feed on lizards and possibly amphibians


Geographic Range: