Checkered Garter Snake

Thamnophis marcianus marcianus

Venom Status:

Non Venomous



The common name of this 2 to 3 foot long garter snake says it all. 2 rows of bold checkers may be seen between the vertebral and lateral stripes and a row of unevenly sized black spots is found below the lateral line. Lateral and vertebral lines may be made uneven by intrusion of black from the checkers. There is a black bordered light vertical curved bar behind the mouth. Belly cream to greenish with a row of thin black bars on the hidden edge of both sides of the ventral scutes. Juveniles like adults. Scales keeled and in 21 rows. Ovoviviparous. Neonates are similar to adults.


Unique Features:


Habitat and Diet:

Pond and marsh edges, open fields, ranches, and yards. Fish, amphibians, lizards, snakes, mice and invertebrates


Geographic Range: