Snakes of Florida Quick Reference Field Guide
Quick Reference Field Guide of all Snake species in Florida with easy to retain information on what each snake eats, where they hide and brief characteristics. Perfect for anyone outdoors and a teaching resource for kids. Pictures and content provided by professional Photographers and Authors associated with SnakeSnap!
Price: $19.99
Digital Version: $9.99 Downloads right to your phone!
GEORGIA and THE CAROLINAS just added!!

Our Mission
Our mission is to provide global education on snakes through identification. We focus on bringing awareness to the benefit that snakes provide not only to our ecosystem, but medically and scientifically as well. Snake Snap aims to be a leader in reptile education, conservation efforts, and snakebite prevention by connecting our worldwide users to the best resources and organizations in their area.
Get the app.
Our Snake Identification Feature Can Identify Snakes In Real Time. Relieving The Fear Of Snakes, Educating The Public, All While Also Saving The Lives Of These Beautiful Creatures.

Actual Submissions
Turn phone sideways for larger view. For identity of the snake and more information just tap the photo!
How Our App Works
Take a live photo or upload an existing photo of any snake and one of our fifteen team members will provide a fast & accurate response with your snake’s identity, diet, and habitat. Accuracy, timely responses, education, and awareness are our top priorities!
Subscription Plan:
To subscribe just download the app, choose a subscription, and submit a photo so that we can get your email and location. You will start to receive information the first week of the following month. There is a FREE trial!
Included in the subscription:
Any questions related to your submission, assistance with Snake Removal, Snake Prevention measures or general wildlife questions just ask and we will personally communicate with you.
Our ID Team consists of Emergency Physicians, Medical Toxicologists, Authors, Biologists, Toxicologists, Herpetologists, Photographers, Students, Field Herpers, and Snake Hobbyists.
Unlimited Snake Identification Submissions
Monthly educational information about snakes in your geographic region to help protect your family and pets.
Monthly awareness emails about venom uses in Science/Medicine and Snakebite Prevention. There are major scientific breakthroughs happening using venom proteins for pain management and cures to many diseases. Check out this story for more details.
Monthly: $1.99 or Yearly: $9.99
All subscriptions have a FREE 7 day trial and can be cancelled at anytime!
Please check your SPAM folder if you do not see our response in your Inbox.
What makes us unique

Currently we receive hundreds of downloads and submissions a day from all over the world! Our service is being used in over 180 different countries on a daily basis.
The average response time we provide users is under 5 minutes, with the majority answered in under a minute! We currently have over 200,000 accurate responses with every submission being confirmed from our expert panel. With the variability in snakes and also the poor quality of some of the photos we receive- bad physical condition, under water, in trees, 30 feet away, etc.- Artificial Intelligence or “instant ID” is not 100 percent accurate every time. It’s not the same as taking a picture of a still object like a plant. When dealing with potentially venomous animals, an accurate ID is most important.
We provide a premium service, personal engagement, and region-specific education to answer any and all of your questions!
If you did not receive a response to your submission, please check your SPAM or JUNK folder.
More Reviews
Asclepius Snakebite Foundation
Our partners mission at ASF is to reverse the vicious circle of tragic snakebite outcomes through a combination of innovative research, clinical medicine, and education-based public health initiatives.
The Rattlesnake Conservancy
Our partners missions at The Rattlesnake Conservancy is to advance the protection of rattlesnakes, and their habitat, through research and education.